Driving through the Shopper Journey’s Twists and Turns

Guide consumers toward your product.

Our experts can help you navigate the crossroads of the shopper journey towards success.

The Bounce Insights impact on Shopper Journey.

How Bounce answers this business question for you.

It’s not only about the destination, it’s also about the journey. Or, at least, it’s about influencing the shoppers' journey to arrive at the right destination – buying your product. 

Some purchase decisions are the result of research and consideration. So that, by the time a shopper reaches for your product, they're already convinced that that’s the perfect choice. Other purchases are born from impulse; the sudden craving to buy something that feels right, right now. It might be the packaging that caught the shopper's eye on the shelf or it’s just the result of a spontaneous want or need. With all these dynamics at play, it’s not easy for brands to understand the many factors shaping consumers' decisions, whether they are rational or irrational.

Our expert team knows how to help you navigate the crossroads of the shopper journey, recognizing that it's rarely a linear path. A consumer’s mind is changing constantly, swayed by the latest TikTok trend or a friend; your product isn’t safe in the basket until checkout. 

So, mapping the shopper's journey goes beyond planning; you need to be dynamic enough to be able to zig-zag into the various stages and moments, understanding how to influence behavior at each turn. What were the drivers for their most recent purchase in your category? Did they actively seek out information or simply remain open to possibilities? Who were the key influencers guiding their decisions, and through which channels did they influence? When the time was right to make the purchase, what alternatives did they consider, and why did they choose your product at the end?

By finding the answers to these questions, brands can gain invaluable insights into the shopper journey, learning how to guide consumers through the twists and turns of choosing your products time and again.

Talk to our Shopper Journey experts.
"Bounce is any Insights Manager’s dream come true – Agility, speed and great support from the team. They pair technological and consultancy expertise in an excellent end to end service. The platform is really user friendly and the turnover time is impressive, giving fast paced organisations a ready to use tool to answer strategic questions and capture market dynamics"

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